The Empowerment Project is a political initiative that focuses on empowering women and promoting strong families in Mississippi. Through this project, we strive to provide families with the resources and opportunities they need to improve their skills, educate themselves, and grow. To do this, we develop and implement community outreach programs, such as social and community awareness initiatives. We also collaborate with local civic and community organizations to create programs that support their mission and enhance social capacity in the communities we serve.
In addition, we are working to build strong partnerships that will help us better understand our customers' and communities' needs. The Global Community Services Grant (CSBG) is funded by the Office of Community Services of the Department of Health and Human Services. This grant is administered by the Community Services Division of the Mississippi Department of Human Services and is used to reduce poverty in communities. The center's activities help the university form strong partnerships with agencies, institutions, organizations, and foundations that share a commitment to strengthening Mississippi communities and the work of local government officials.
Mississippi Power also helps communities develop leadership and social capacity to support planned development and a better quality of life. The Center for Government and Community Development (GCD) is part of the Mississippi State University Extension Service, which is within the Division of Agriculture, Forestry, and Veterinary Medicine of Mississippi State University. The center staff designs and delivers educational programs, training activities, information, and technical assistance to meet the priority economic and community development needs of Mississippi communities and their citizens.